The Banner Saga
General Tips
- Target armor first. You won't do much damage if the enemy unit still has a lot of protection, though there are exceptions.
- If you rest for a turn, you regain willpower (used for skills). Consider doing this, as the effective use of skills can often be the deciding factor in a battle.
- The Break stat allows players to easily break armor, so put points into that if you plan on targeting armor more often.
- Killing opponents helps the rest of the enemy units, so consider "maiming" them instead.
- When you set up your team before battles, remember that left to right is the order in which your heroes will take action.
- This one sounds obvious, but keep ranged units away from the action. Their specialty is picking off enemies from a distance, so use that to your advantage.
- Sometimes there will be a lot of enemies on the screen, so take out the weaker ones first to make things more manageable.
Achievement Description
Warhawk Defeat an enemy with a Warhawk.
Raidmaster Defeat an enemy with a Raidmaster.
Warden Defeat an enemy with a Warden.
Warmaster Defeat an enemy with a Warmaster.
Shieldmaster Defeat an enemy with a Shieldmaster.
Hunter Defeat an enemy with a Hunter.
Strongarm Defeat an enemy with a Strongarm.
Eagle Eye Defeat an enemy with an Eagle Eye.
Godstone Hridvaldyr Visit the godstone Hridvaldyr.
Skystriker Defeat an enemy with a Skystriker.
Spearmaster Defeat an enemy with a Spearmaster.
Godstone Denglr Visit the godstone Denglr.
Thrasher Defeat an enemy with a Thrasher.
Siege Archer Defeat an enemy with a Siege Archer.
Provoker Defeat an enemy with a Provoker.
Godstone Radormyr Visit the godstone Radormyr.
Godstone Marek Visit the godstone Marek.
Godstone Hadrborg Visit the godstone Hadrborg.
Godstone Dundr Visit the godstone Dundr.
Mender Defeat an enemy with a Mender.
Warleader Defeat an enemy with a Warleader.
Godstone Ingrid Visit the godstone Ingrid.
Godstone Bjorulf Visit the godstone Bjorulf.
Godstone Stravhs Visit the godstone Stravhs.
Bowmaster Defeat an enemy with a Bowmaster.
Backbiter Defeat an enemy with a Backbiter.
Grudgewielder Defeat an enemy with a Grudgewielder.
Normal Difficulty Complete the game on Normal difficulty.
Diplomat Get permission to destroy a varl landmark.
Treasure Hunter Acquire 5 rank 5 items.
Warmonger Fight 40 battles in a single playthrough.
Beat the Odds Whew...Egil made it the whole way!
Quartermaster Complete the game without letting anyone in your caravan die to hunger.
Forced March Reach Boersgard in 120 days.
Innocent Alette doesn't want to harm humans or varl...don't make her.
Hard Difficulty Complete the game on Hard difficulty.
High Spirits Complete the game without ever getting low morale.
Master Tactician Win a battle on Hard difficulty in the camp Training Tent using 6 rank 5 units.
Challenge Complete the game on Hard difficulty level without losing a single battle.
Tips umum
- Menargetkan armor pertama. Anda tidak akan melakukan banyak kerusakan jika unit musuh masih memiliki banyak perlindungan, meskipun ada pengecualian.
- Jika Anda beristirahat giliran, Anda mendapatkan kembali kemauan (digunakan untuk keterampilan). Pertimbangkan melakukan hal ini, karena penggunaan yang efektif keterampilan sering dapat menjadi faktor penentu dalam pertempuran.
- The Break Stat memungkinkan pemain untuk dengan mudah memecahkan armor, sehingga menempatkan poin ke bahwa jika Anda berencana untuk menargetkan armor lebih sering.
- Membunuh lawan membantu sisa unit musuh, jadi pertimbangkan "maiming" mereka sebagai gantinya.
- Ketika Anda membuat tim Anda sebelum pertempuran, ingat bahwa kiri ke kanan adalah urutan pahlawan Anda akan mengambil tindakan.
- Yang satu ini terdengar jelas, tapi tetap unit berkisar dari tindakan. Spesialisasi mereka adalah memilih musuh dari jarak jauh, sehingga menggunakannya untuk keuntungan Anda.
- Kadang-kadang akan ada banyak musuh di layar, sehingga mengambil yang lebih lemah pertama yang membuat hal-hal lebih mudah dikelola.
Source by Google
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