
Monday, 16 March 2015

Crysis Cheats, Codes, Guides, Walktrouht, etc



    Spawn any Item!

    Use the console brought up by ` you must be in Devmode or have entered con_restricted = 0 in the console previously. Any weapon item or attachment can be spawned using i_giveitem eg. i_giveitem SOCOM. You need to know all the different items names and they're a little criptic at times and case sensitive! Useful if you would like a specific item from the start of the game such as a sniper scope! You can also add some of the weapons from Multiplayer like mines and claymores to single player!

Effect                        Code
Anti Vehicle Mine    AVMine
Assault scope    AssaultScope
C4 with detonator    C4
Claymore    Claymore
Flashbang    FlashbangGrenade
Gauss Rifle    GaussRifle
Grenade    FragGrenade
Grenade launcher for rifles    GrenadeLauncher
Korean Rifle    FY71
Laser Aiming Module for rifles    LAMRifle
Minigun    Hurricane
Pistol    SOCOM
Precision Sniper Rifle    DSG1
Rocket Launcher    LAW
Shotgun    Shotgun
Smoke grenade    SmokeGrenade
Sniper scope    SniperScope
Standard US Rifle    SCAR
Submachine Gun    SMG
Tac Gun    TACGun


    The codes can be entered in the console or in a user-created System.cfg file. The console must be unlocked by using "con_restricted = 0" before any of the cheats can be used in the console.

Affects the rate at which time passes in the game.time_scale = 1 (any number)
AI ignores playerai_IgnorePlayer = 1
Amount of energy consumed in speed mode while sprinting.g_suitSpeedEnergyConsumption = 110 (any number)
Disables or enables infinite health for all vehicles in the game.v_goliathmode = [0, 1]
Disables or enables melee attacks while sprinting.g_meleeWhileSprinting = [0, 1]
Do not wait until energy regen startsg_playerSuitEnergyRechargeDelay = 0
Extra healthg_playerHealthValue = 900.0
Fall speed in meters/second at which you die.pl_fallDamage_SpeedFatal = 13.7 (any number)
God modeg_godMode = 1
How fast you can swim.pl_swimBaseSpeed = 4 (any number)
How much damage armor mode energy shields can take.g_suitarmorhealthvalue = 200 (any number)
How quickly you jump out of the water.pl_swimJumpSpeedBaseMul = 1 (any number).
Instant energyg_playerSuitEnergyRechargeTimeArmor = 0
Instant energy while movingg_playerSuitEnergyRechargeTimeArmorMoving = 0
Instant health regeng_playerSuitArmorModeHealthRegenTime = 0
Instant health regen while movingg_playerSuitArmorModeHealthRegenTimeMoving = 0
Koreans Speak Koreanai_UseAlternativeReadability = 0
Maximum speed in meters/second at which you take no damage.pl_fallDamage_SpeedSafe = 8 (any number)
Movement speed in speed mode is multiplied by this number.g_suitSpeedMult = 1.85 (any number)
Multiplies energy consumption of cloaking by this number.g_suitCloakEnergyDrainAdjuster = 1 (any number)
Multiplies energy consumption of each shot fired in strength mode.g_suitRecoilEnergyCost = 15 (any number)
Multiplies punch strength by this factor.cl_strengthscale = 1 (any number)
Multiply player movement speed by this factor.g_walkmultiplier = 1 (any number, but if too high, you can't move)
No waiting until regen startsg_playerSuitHealthRegenDelay = 0
No weapon limiti_noweaponlimit = 1
Remove Debug/Devmode Info from Screenr_displayinfo = 0
Set difficulty; "1" is easy "4" is most difficultg_difficultyLevel = 1
Set energy regen time to zerog_playerSuitEnergyRechargeTime = 0
Set health regen time to zerog_playerSuitHealthRegenTime = 0
Set regen time while walking to zerog_playerSuitHealthRegenTimeMoving = 0
Show frames per secondr_displayinfo=1
Unlimited ammunitioni_unlimitedammo = 1
Unlimited NightVisionhud_nightVisionConsumption = 0

    God Mode

    Locate the difficulty files in your Crysis installation folder (ie: C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis\Game\Config). These files are called diff_easy.cfg, diff_normal.cfg, diff_hard.cfg and diff_bauer.cfg. Open the file (with Notepad) that corresponds to the difficulty level you are playing. Add the following line to the end of the file and save it:

    g_godMode = 1

    Now, when playing your health will still decrease but you will not die. Instead, your health and armor will automatically replenish when your health reaches 0.

    Additional Cheats
    Using the same method as above, add the following lines to the end of your config file for the corresponding effect:

    Code: Result:
    i_unlimitedammo = 1 Unlimited Ammo
    ai_IgnorePlayer = 1 Enemies Ignore You
    i_noweaponlimit = 1 Carry Unlimited Number of Weapons




     Bertelur setiap item!

     Gunakan konsol dibesarkan oleh `Anda harus berada di DEVMODE atau telah di masukkan con_restricted = 0 di konsol sebelumnya. Setiap item senjata atau lampiran dapat melahirkan dengan menggunakan i_giveitem misalnya. i_giveitem SOCOM. Anda perlu tahu semua nama item yang berbeda dan mereka yang criptic di kali dan kasus sensitif! Berguna jika Anda ingin item tertentu dari awal permainan seperti lingkup penembak jitu! Anda juga dapat menambahkan beberapa senjata dari Multiplayer seperti tambang dan claymores untuk pemain tunggal!


     Kode dapat dimasukkan dalam konsol atau file System.cfg yang dibuat pengguna. Konsol harus dibuka dengan menggunakan "con_restricted = 0" sebelum salah satu cheats dapat digunakan di konsol.


     God Mode
     Menemukan file kesulitan dalam folder Crysis instalasi (yaitu: C: \ Program Files \ Electronic Arts \ Crytek \ Crysis \ Permainan \ Config). File-file ini disebut diff_easy.cfg, diff_normal.cfg, diff_hard.cfg dan diff_bauer.cfg. Buka file (dengan Notepad) yang sesuai dengan tingkat kesulitan Anda bermain. Tambahkan baris berikut pada akhir file tersebut dan menyimpannya:

     g_godMode = 1

     Sekarang, ketika bermain kesehatan Anda masih akan menurun tetapi Anda tidak akan mati. Sebaliknya, kesehatan dan baju besi secara otomatis akan mengisi ketika kesehatan Anda mencapai 0.

     Cheats tambahan
     Dengan menggunakan metode yang sama seperti di atas, tambahkan baris berikut pada akhir file konfigurasi Anda untuk efek yang sesuai:

     Kode: Hasil:
     i_unlimitedammo = 1 terbatas Amunisi
     ai_IgnorePlayer = 1 Musuh Abaikan Anda
     i_noweaponlimit = 1 Carry Jumlah Unlimited Senjata


Source by Google 

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